Medium projects – results

#OrganizationProjectGrant Awarded (€)
Group 1
1Center for Women, Mothers and Children – RETO Promotion and advocacy of an integrated drug addiction treatment program of mothers and pregnant women in communion with their children29,999.78
2Rainbow Families CroatiaMy Rainbow Family30,000.00
3Living Atelier DK DAJHT KRALJIntegration of Art – Art of Integration: Women to Women29.999.96
4Apoteka – Space for Contemporary ArtNew approaches to antifascist and peace heritage in education and contemporary art practices30,000.00
5Association of women „THREAD“BETWEEN GENDER AND HOMELAND30,000.00
6Roma Resource CenterPlay and learn30,000.00
7queerANarchiveLGBT centar Split30,000.00
8Regional Address for Nonviolent ActivitiesPolicies of Local Peacebuilding29,832.58
9Women’s Network of CroatiaAdvocating for Gender Equality at Local Level30,000.00
10Humanitarian association “Savao”Let’s include the excluded30,000.00
11BORDERS:NONEGET TOGETHER for inclusion and rights of refugee youth!30,000.00
12WISH ASSOCIATIONStrengthening young people and children with disabilities for proactive action and increasing civic participation30,000.00
13ISKRA Waldorf InitiativeLet’s activate30,000.00
14Youth association Ilok „ Will“The other side of the coin30,000.00
15Life Quality Enhancement InstituteYouth for Active Citizenship30,000.00
16Stichting Coalition for work with psychotrauma and peace VukovarMental Health in the Community30,000.00
17Association Humanum – Association for protection and promotion of human rights HumanumSupported, strong and informed – future without violence!27,948.00
19Youth for youth of PleternicaYouth in the community30,000.00
20Udruga za promicanje medijske kulture, umjetnosti i tolerancije „Lupiga – svijet kroz obične oči“FUNDME – Formal Association of Non-Profit Digital Media30,000.00
21ADRA CroatiaNetworking and increasing the preparedness of CSOs for crisis situations in eastern Croatia29,992.63

#OrganizationProjectGrant awarded (€)
Group 2
1Centre for Civic Initiatives PorečOur Daily Sexism89,812,51
2Human Rights House ZagrebStrengthening the protection system and empowerment of communities for recognising and comparing hate speech in Croatia90,000.00
3Multiple Sclerosis Society of Brod-Posavina CouontyPRESS for ACCESS88,390.14
4Local Democracy Agency SisakPlatform for development of school volunteering87,870.00
5Nansen Dialogue Centre OsijekRIGHT application88,500.00
6INFO ZONAYouth councils – what’s next?75,000.00
7Association „Children First“Children wellbeing and rights cooperation network89,840.76
8Association for human rights and civic participation PaRiterHealthy relationships89,637.99
9Information Legal CentreEquality for Roma through combating discrimination89,948.63
10Youth Peace Group DanubeActive NGO86,397.20
11Ri Rock AssociationThe Wheel of Inclusion86,328.00
12NGO Vida- helping people with substance use disordersIPSilon- application of effective supported employment model for people with psychosocial difficulties89,999.96
13Association MetamediaIn the same movie – a step further44,998.06
14Rare Diseases CroatiaComprehensive support for women with rare disease challenges86,044.53
15Expanse of Gender and Media Culture ‘Common Zone’Neighborhood community centres87,608.79
16Association „MI“The strongest link – volunteer for yourself, volunteer for others86,860.74
17CERANEO – Center for the Development of Non-profit OrganisationsStrengthening the capacity of civil society organizations in the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights in Croatia89,258.86
18Croatian Association on Early Childhood Intervention – CAECIEarly Childhood Intervention Coalition85,000.00
19Association Green IstriaLet’s light the spark for inclusion together!90,000.00
20Association for promotion of cultures KulturtregerBottom-up Archives – organizational memory as the element of civil society sustainability89,458.31
21Creative social work associationTemida – capacity building for CSOs to protect the human rights of women in prison89,840.48
22Association for improvement of mental health „Vrapčići“With rainbow colors to mental health82,095.79
23CROSOL – Croatian Platform for International Citizen SolidarityLocal Policies Under a Magnifying Glass – Monitoring the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Local Communities90,000.00
24Incredible good institution – FADE INMade-to-measure88,980.49

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