Ad-hoc action projects

Reopening date: June 30, 2020

Requested contribution of ACF funding: between 1.000 and 5.000 EUR

Available indicative budget for AHA projects: 215.000 Euros

Remaining budget available: 181.588 Euro

Project maximum funding rate: 100 % of eligible expenditure.

Project duration: 1 – 3 months

Deadlines for submission of project proposals: until August 24, 2020 or until the available funds are exhausted.

Opening date of the application process starts on August 3, 2020 and selection of project applications will take place on monthly basis as follows:

Deadline for monthly submission in 2023– Projects received between dates will be considered on specified Selection Committee meetingSelection Committee meeting dates
November 24 – December 22January 16
December 23 – January 24February 7
January 25 –  February 21March 07
February 22 – March 25April 07
March 26 – April 22May 06
April 23 – May 23June 07
May 24 – June 23July 07
June 24 – August 24September 07*

* Due to the use of annual leave, the meeting of the Selection Committee will not meet in August.

This Call for proposals has been designed to provide financial support for Croatian CSOs active in one (or more) of the Programme Priority Areas

  • Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency,
  • Human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity,
  • Social justice and inclusion of vulnerable groups,
  • Gender equality and gender-based violence,
  • Environment and climate change.

and whose social impact supported by the Call will contribute to at least one of the Programme Outcomes:

  • Strengthened civil society watchdog/advocacy role;
  • Increased support for human rights, rule of law and good governance;
  • Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness and engagement;

The main purpose of the Ad-hoc Action Call is to support civil society organisations and civic initiatives when urgent responses are needed either to tackle immediate challenges (e.g., pressures on civic space and incidences of hate speech) or to seize very specific windows of opportunity for influencing public opinion and policy process through various forms of citizen participation and public action including campaigning and advocacy, legal, communicational or other.

Under the Call for Ad-hoc Action projects, the Programme will support immediate civic action as a rapid response to an urgent situation or identified problems, within the Programme’s Priority Areas (see section Focus of the call, page 10) that affect citizens and/or the CSOs.

Proposed actions need to justify the need for a rapid response and the organizers’ ability to react quickly, in a way that open avenues for the solution to the identified problem, threat or opportunity arising in the urgent situation.

Under this Call, each individual organization can receive the maximum of 3 grants in the role of lead applicant. There is no limitation on the number of grants received in the role of project partner.

Project promotorProject TitleACF grant (EUR)

Parents in action

Advocating for evidence based maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic

Association BIOM

Public participation in environmental public hearing procedures during pandemic conditions

Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past

Adequate answers: needs of the population in undeveloped regions in time od pandemic

Society „Our children“ Opatija
Activate change in your community – The National Forum of the Children’s Council of the Eurochild Organization Croatia4,455.00

Advocacy and Empowerment for People with Mental Health Disorders, Mapping Needs and Developing Services in the Emerging Crisis Caused by the COVID 19 Pandemic and the Zagreb Earthquake5,000.00
Association for Development of Art, Culture and Education
Corona Kid
Sustainable Development Forum – Green WindowStudents for students – our voice for the dignity of student work4,500.00
GENERATOR “MO-TI” – a mobile team against discrimination, for dialogue and promotion of solidarity4,846.00
Center for Peace StudiesSupport to victims of violent and illegal expulsions from Croatia4,885.88
POLITISCOPEPrivacy in the time of Corona4,973.25
Association Green IstriaGarden(ACT)ivism4,746.27
Association DeltaMy voice counts! – Student Councils in Times of COVID-194,997.18
DOMINE – Organization for Promotion of Women’s RightsAdvocating for change in local public policies towards women victims of violence and victims of domestic violence4,995.00
Women’s Network of CroatiaTogether for Protection and Promotion of Women’s Rights in Croatia4,999.47
Centre for education and informing consumersStop food waste during pandemic COVID-194,930.00
Citizens Association “Pravica”For Babina gora health4,918.00
Information legal centreActive classroom for Roma population5,000.00
Association for promotion of IT, culture and coexistenceIKS SUPPORT4,968.00
Biogarden – in harmony with natureSeed is our human right!4,998.82
Jesuit Refugee ServiceMental health of refugees in local communities hit by earthquakes and a pandemic4,965.54
Croatian Youth NetworkCommunity in the centre – social-cultural centres as spaces of unity and solidarity4,986.69
Inclusive house BellMobile volunteer service4,999.11
BLOK – Local base for culture refreshmentCulture on minimum wage – no go!4,972.00
PLANTaža AssociationTake care of the mask4,959.82
Center for Cultural ActivitiesInfo video corner for asylum seekers – Afgani version5,000.00
Association ANCHOR – preschool teachers in the protection of children right in preschoolTHE LAW FOR EQUALITY – equally accessible, equally safe and equally quality preschool for every child in Croatia4,969.50
ADRA CroatiaStrengthening emergency preparedness of the humanitarian community through standardization and unification of practice for inter-agency needs-assessment4,995.01
Association for Independent Media CultureTransparency and supervision of centres for social welfare in protection of victims of domestic violence and children3,933.86
Biogarden – in harmony with natureFuture is organic4,999.99
The Croatian Journalists AssociationLocal media financing models5,000.00
KOSINJ VALLEY ASSOCIATIONLegal support to the inhabitants of the Kosinj Valley in the process of eviction for the construction of an accumulation lake4,925.41
CROSOL – Croatian Platform for International Citizen SolidarityStronger for CROSOL-idarity4,995.00
DOMINE – association for the promotion of women’s rightsThe criminal offense of femicide – advocacy for legal change4,999.14

Overview of contracted projects by April 27, 2023
Remaining budget available on April 27, 202333,783 €

Call Documentation

Call for applicants for »AD-HOC ACTION« PROJECTS and Guidelines for applicants

CHANGES: 08/11/2020 – on p. 27 corrected the minimum number of points that the application must meet in the category “Relevance and importance of the project” (from 7 to 18); 07/22/2020 – Change the contact email address to support applicants

Info workshops for potential applicants:

  • July 8, 2020 – online workshop
  • July 15, 2020 – online workshop
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