The Active Citizens Fund in Croatia re-opened the Call for Ad Hoc Action Projects
Posted 02.07.2020.

On June 30th, 2020, the Active Citizens Fund in Croatia re-announced the Call for ad hoc action projects of civil society organizations with available request for ACF funding from EUR 1,000 to 5,000, with the 100% of eligible expenditure. The call was originally opened on March 10th and temporarily closed on May 17th. During that period, seven projects were contracted in the total amount of €33,411.80. The Fund operator has adjusted tender documentation and the conditions of financing to the newly developed circumstances in current crisis.
The call focuses on civic actions as a rapid response to an emergency or currently identified problem, within priority program areas affecting citizens and/or civil society organizations. The proposed actions to the ACF fund should justify the need for a rapid response as well as the ability of the applicant to act quickly, find solutions and react to threat or opportunity arising from the emergencies, including emergencies and needs related to the current Covid- 19. It is important to emphasize that this Call is NOT intended for regular CSO activities that do NOT require an immediate response in an unexpected, urgent situation. All information and tender documentation on the Call for ad hoc projects can be found at
Support to Ad hoc action projects is available continuously throughout the implementation period of the Program, until 24th August 2023, provided that the available funds have not been previously exhausted. The total allocation for this Call was €215,000, and €181,588 is currently available for three program priorities with separate funding availability: (1) a strengthened civil society advocacy / watchdog role (€72,211); (2) increased support for human rights, the rule of law and good governance (€70,980); and (3) strengthened democratic culture, civic awareness and civic engagement (€38,397).
In order to fulfill the ad-hoc principle, the Call is implemented in monthly cycles. This includes application process to Funds and selection of the projects carried out by the Selection Committee, that will meet every 5th working day of the current month. Applications received for the Call will be opened and processed from August 3rd, 2020, and the first meeting of the Selection Committee is scheduled for September 7th, 2020. The Active Citizens Fund in Croatia will organize online information workshops (guidelines, application form) on July 8th and Juy 15th, 2020., as well as small group online consultations for all potential applicants. Additional support to potential applicants will be continuously provided through mail, whereby all questions and answeres will be regularly published on the Fund’s website.
Eligible applicants for this Call are civil society organizations (CSOs) founded and registered in the Republic of Croatia. All eligible applicants, partners and project proposals must follow the principles of the common values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities (based on race, ethnicity, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity)[1].
The Fund operator of the Fund for Active Citizens in Croatia is the Community Foundation Slagalica from Osijek in cooperation with the SOLIDARNA Foundation from Zagreb, Association for Civil Society Development SMART from Rijeka and CNVOS – Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs from Ljubljana (Slovenia), under the supervision of the Financial Mechanisms Office- FMO), a Brussels – based secretariat for the three donor countries from The European Economic Area (EEA) – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (EEA EFTA States). All information about the Active Citizenship Fund and the Call for Ad Hoc Action Projects is available at
[1] Article 1.2. Protocol 38c on the EEA and the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms (2014-2021).